Cheshire Cat AI is a production-ready AI framework. Create your agent with a few lines of Python!

Go beyond LLMs

🐘 Train with your docs
Imagine you could train your AI with any document

Upload pdf, txt, markdown, JSON, web pages.

🌍 Interact with the world

Easily connect your agent to external APIs and apps.

🧠 Choose your models

Use commercial or open LLMs and embedders.

🐳 Plug & Play
Have a production ready agent to put online and be productive as a service.

100% dockerized and ready to be deployed.

πŸ”Œ Easy to Extend
A vast plugin ecosystem to extend the skills of your agent, with both community plugins and the possibility to create your own

One-click install plugins from the community registry, or write your own.

πŸ’¬ Smart dialogues

Cutting edge conversational skills with hooks, tools (function calling) and forms.

Latest from Wonderland

  • Build your first plugin: a weather plugin

    Build your first plugin: a weather plugin

    The objective of this article is to provide you a complete beginner guide to plugin development for the Cheshire Cat AI framework! We’ll start from the basis and then we’ll add up features until we reach a complete plugin which uses most of the features that the Cat offers to us. The idea We want […] Read more

  • How to Implement a Custom File Parser

    How to Implement a Custom File Parser

    Let’s see how to implement a custom file parser to extend the supported files that can be uploaded in the Cat’s memory By default, the RabbitHole – the component that manages the file uploading in the Cat’s memory – only supports .txt, .md and .pdf file formats. However, we may be interested in uploading other […] Read more

  • How to Setup the Cheshire Cat on Your Home Server with Tipi

    How to Setup the Cheshire Cat on Your Home Server with Tipi

    Published on



    On our blog we have seen how to setup the Cat on Nginx (, in the Cloud with AWS CDK ( Today we will learn how to setup easily the Cat on a home server with Tipi. Tipi is an open source personal home-server orchestrator. It enables you to manage and run multiple services on […] Read more

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Our growing and active community is hosting many furrmidable events in the Discord server.

Don’t miss the chance to take part to the Cheshire Cat community and save the dates! Meeoow!